"We Never Even Called It That" Some thoughts on context collapse around terms we use and what purpose they serve. Also I have a new zine out. Duh.
We Couldn't Trust the Guy That Didn't Like a Single Sport Scattered thoughts on my Damian Lillard Fathead, a year of liking hockey, and sports as something that could be mine instead of belonging to the men I've loved.
Joan of Arc, Ethel Cain & Discussions of Dislikability A discussion on discussions. Vintage Miranda Reinert blogging.
Three Pointer: New Social Media Sites, Co-Worker Music, Creative Non-Fiction I want to write a little bit about three things that are not related so I'm calling it Three Pointer (you know, like basketball!) to create a fun new series on my beautiful blog. Thank you for being here. There's a little surprise at the end.
Options Make Me Nauseous Thoughts on finding comfort in predictability and process. Thoughts on the limits and cowardice of that.