recommended reading
Sort of a blog roll. Stuff I read, stuff I think everybody will like.
For: Essays
Our Band Could Be Your Wife by Grace Robins-Somerville
Grace rocks. If you like what I do, you'll like what Grace does. Funny, evocative, smart, personal, great great work! Some of my very favorite music writing has been done by Grace for her newsletter.

I Keep A Diary by Jordan Walsh
Jordy is one of my favorite writers. He's so talented and everything he writes is worth your time. If you like essays that push music/personal interplay then you'll like his writing.

Anxiety Shark by Niko Stratis
If you read this blog, you probably read Niko. Her essays are so incisive and personal and tied to music in a way I can only aspire to. Brilliant writer. Not much more to say.

She also writes a column for Paste that's great.

Cities: Backlines by Devon Chodzin
Devon is smart and incisive and a delight to read. He's my dear friend, but we don't like almost any of the same things so you can still trust my opinion of his writing. His newsletter strays personal and mixes in his experience with city planning while maintaining his critical voice. What a guy.

For: Deep Dives
You Don't Need Maps by Ellie Kovach
If you're looking for deep dives on emo, hardcore, punk and adjacent cultures, Ellie's got it. If they're writing about it, it'll be researched and thorough and it'll make you care about it– even if it's a four-part series on The Cure, or whatever. Free articles can be found on their substack and if you're into that stuff, they also have a Patreon that I would recommend!

Between Berwyn and Bryn Mawr by Hugo Reyes
Hugo's work on chronicling Chicago's emo and DIY history has been so special and fun. Nobody else is doing that work and I'm in awe of his dedication. Chicago greatness.
For: Reviews
Inbox Infinity by Patrick Lyons
Patrick is on a journey to actually listen to the stuff in his inbox. That's beautiful. I couldn't do it, but I've been enjoying him going for it. Most of his posts have a main feature essay discussing something fun (late-period Rolling Stones, SponCon, etc) and then a section of reviews.

Hope You Like It by Patrick Haynes and Andy Maroon
Andy and Patrick do a fun format where they give the other an album to listen to. They make little comments on each other's first impression reviews. They're so funny and it's always fun to see their dynamic.

Eli Enis
Eli listens to more music than anybody I know and that's no small feat. He goes long on his blog posts and does reviews about the stuff on his end last fm grids. Last fm hive, rise up.

For: Broader Focus Blogs
I Enjoy Music and The Molly Zone by Molly Mary O'Brien
Molly is a #1 promoter of blog culture. She's incredibly consistent and prolific in a way I am in awe of. I love her blog (I Enjoy Music) and I love her newsletter (The Molly Zone). I Enjoy Music tends to be the home of her more off the cuff, bloggy stuff where The Molly Zone has more interviews. Both are great.

No Expectations by Josh Terry
If you live in Chicago, Josh's newsletter is worth reading for the show calendar he includes at the end alone. He's also a fun writer and you can find interviews, advice on writing, round-ups of music– new and old– he's been spending time with, deep dives into discographies, and more! It's great.

Listen Up, Nerds by Jay Papandreas
Jay writes about hardcore and also other stuff. He does weekly round ups and interviews and talks about t-shirts and makes fun of hardcore culture. These are some of the best things a music blog can do, in my opinion. He's smart and funny and it's a delight.

He also just started a press called Fear Of Life. How cool is that.
Swim Into The Sound
Taylor has curated such a cool, true blog. Everything Swim Into The Sound publishes is fun to read.

No Bells
No Bells is, predominantly, a hip hop blog. But I think they do some of the best end of year stuff (list of lists this year is so good) and I like their real bloggy stuff.

Rosy Overdrive
RO publishes a lot of good stuff, but their directory is particularly useful and good.

For: Interviews
Anti-Matter by Norman Brannon
You know this one. Great hardcore interviews. One of the best to ever do it.

Former Clarity by David Anthony
Okay so this isn't strictly an interview blog, but nobody interviews better than David. One of my very favorite writers.